Never-ending List of Things to Do, January 2020 Edition

New year, many of the same projects. Let’s go down the list… The Comic The second-to-last scene of Act 2 is wrapping up now. Act 3 begins after a timeskip, and there will be the inevitable changes which come with time, many of which I’ve addressed in this post. There will also be a newContinueContinue reading “Never-ending List of Things to Do, January 2020 Edition”

Never-ending List of Things to Do, June 2018 Edition

This is one of those semi-regular “What am I working on oh that’s everything” post. Okay. Whee. Let’s organize some thoughts. The big news is that I’ve got an agent! I’ve signed with Diana Fox of Fox Literary. I’ve met her, she’s fabulous, she’s a sparkly disco ball made of tiny razors. I have aContinueContinue reading “Never-ending List of Things to Do, June 2018 Edition”

The Matter of a “Few Dollars”

So. Let’s talk about Patreon. I’ve been doing this for a while now. And by “this,” I mean scrambling across creative projects like a tapdancing spider, looking for The One that will resonate with enough people to make self-employment profitable. In late 2013-early 2014, two things happened which allowed me to make creative projects myContinueContinue reading “The Matter of a “Few Dollars””


Sometimes a story gets into your head and refuses to leave. I can usually perform a minor exorcism in the form of a short story. I’ve got a bunch of these furious little demons sitting on my desktop, or making the submission rounds to genre magazines. Stoneskin was supposed to be one of these shortContinueContinue reading “Stoneskin”

Short Fiction – Who Tells Your Story

This isn’t Hamilton fanfic. This is what happens when there is Hamilton fanfic in a world where ghosts gain or lose power based solely on “how well and widely they are remembered”, and takes place in that oddly physical limbo between life and whatever comes next as seen in A Girl and Her Fed. WhoContinueContinue reading “Short Fiction – Who Tells Your Story”

GREEK KEY is out, so let’s talk about Helen of Troy

All Hope Blackwell wanted was a quiet Mediterranean vacation. Sun, sand, local cuisine…and tracking down Archimedes’ ghost to learn if he’s been tampering with the fabric of reality. But when you’re a psychic whose specialty is communicating with the dead, a trip to Greece means you’ll come face-to-face with legendary heroes. And monsters. As HopeContinueContinue reading “GREEK KEY is out, so let’s talk about Helen of Troy”

More Fun with Self-Publishing

Some of you seem to really enjoy these posts on self-publishing and the living nightmare that is the production phase! Please. Come. Read my hair-pulling, head-to-wall-bashing, chew-through-own-bottom-lip-for-the-joy-of-it experience. Hi! When’s the release date for GREEK KEY? I don’t know, exactly. It goes live around Halloween. You don’t know, exactly? That seems unprofessional. Do you knowContinueContinue reading “More Fun with Self-Publishing”

GREEK KEY sample up on Gumroad!

Greek Key goes live today–the first eleven chapters, at any rate. The cover is gorgeous. I offer these free samples via Gumroad for a couple of reasons, the biggest one being that self-published authors are an unknown quantity. We walk around the Internet shouting BUY OUR BOOKS! and readers say WHY? YOU PEOPLE ARE SCARYContinueContinue reading “GREEK KEY sample up on Gumroad!”