
KICONhighressquare2018.B. Spangler lives in North Carolina with her husband and two completely awful dogs. They live in the decaying house of a dead poet. She is the author and artist of the webcomic, A Girl and Her Fed, and author of novels and short stories. All projects include themes of privacy, politics, technology, civil liberties, the human experience, and how the lines between these blur like the dickens.


A Girl and Her Fed: The comic.

A Girl and Her Fed-Archives with Commentary: The comic, rerun from its beginning with notes.

A Girl and Her Fed – Facebook: Social media.

KBSpangler on Twitter: Social media.

KBSpangler on Patreon: The most direct way to support these projects on a monthly basis.

Puns are Lazy Humor: Archive for the daily Patreon puns.

The Disasterhouse Blog: What happens after you buy a semi-historic house and learn it was held together by a coat of paint.

The Josh Glassman Adventures: Serialized fiction intended for 18+ readers.


Books: This list is kept updated from newest to oldest publications.

Freebies: Sample chapters, wallpapers, and other downloadable items.

Swag: The comic’s store has everything from Speedy plushes to original art.

Contact Information

The fastest way to reach me is via my author’s email (kbspangler AT kbspangler DOT com) or via the comic’s email.  The second-fastest way to reach me is via posting a comment to this blog.

Traditional items* and mail can be shipped to:

K.B. Spangler // p.o. Box 41241 // Greensboro, NC // 27404

*  I check this box infrequently. Please do not ship perishables, especially food, especially-especially live animals.


9 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. Hello,
    I can not seem to find your email address. However, Your comic today used the password “purple Monkey Dishwasher”. I work at a company in Massachusetts called Nature’s Classroom more specifically at the Groton site. Schools come for a week to a few days and we teach the students about nature and the outdoors. Almost every week we do a skit night called TNL. To let the students know its time to be quiet after a skit we use the call and response Purple Monkey: Dishwasher! It is a long standing tradition for years at the Groton site. I can not help but ask: is this pure coincidence or at some point have you known someone who has or yourself worked at or been to Nature’s classroom? Please let me know my curiosity at this strange happenstance is peeked.

    1. Oh jeeze, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but it’s a line from the old Simpsons episode, “The PTA has Disbanded!”

      I used this phrase because Marcia Wallace, the actress who played Edna Krabappel, passed away over the weekend.

  2. I am divided. I just got current with AGAHF – now I have my life back but now I have to keep your schedule. I found you after your ‘butt rocket’ on QC. I love your writing; you are pretty darned insightful.

    Thank you for a wonderful (sorry, I forget where this sentence was going)

    Grumpy Old Man

  3. Just wanted to tell you, that you are great. I found AGAHF by accident over your guest strip on questionablecontent and I love your ideas, humour, and the way you write dialogues. Definitely going to read your books too.

    Greetings from Austria

  4. Dang, woman, the Rachel Peng books are amazing! Starting in on AGAHF too, but it’s slow doing the web thing on my phone.

    Your link above which mentions the dead poet’s house leads to a password locked post about how not to dye curtains…

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