Never-ending List of Things to Do, January 2020 Edition

New year, many of the same projects. Let’s go down the list… The Comic The second-to-last scene of Act 2 is wrapping up now. Act 3 begins after a timeskip, and there will be the inevitable changes which come with time, many of which I’ve addressed in this post. There will also be a newContinueContinue reading “Never-ending List of Things to Do, January 2020 Edition”

State of the Comic, 2018

Next Monday, the comic enters the last chapter of the second story arc. This is bittersweet to me: there will be a third story arc to the comic, and all of the characters will still be there. But there will be another minor time skip, so while I’ll still be working with the same characters,ContinueContinue reading “State of the Comic, 2018”

The Matter of a “Few Dollars”

So. Let’s talk about Patreon. I’ve been doing this for a while now. And by “this,” I mean scrambling across creative projects like a tapdancing spider, looking for The One that will resonate with enough people to make self-employment profitable. In late 2013-early 2014, two things happened which allowed me to make creative projects myContinueContinue reading “The Matter of a “Few Dollars””

On Blindness and Rachel’s Character

I’ve had this post in the queue for several months.* It’s one of those posts that I’ve needed to write, but haven’t wanted to write, and… Well, here’s the thing: I can be dumb, and insensitive, and I write from my own life’s perspective (which has been pretty darned good). Since I’m a writer, sometimesContinueContinue reading “On Blindness and Rachel’s Character”

Never-Ending List of Things to Do, Feb ’16 Edition

Write a blog post. Quiet, brain, I’m working. Write a blog post! Working. Hush. I’ll give you cookies. Write a blog post or I’ll remind you about this thing you did when you were eight. Fine. Okay. Right. Let’s organize the work schedule for the next few months, shall we? Novels & Stories Greek KeyContinueContinue reading “Never-Ending List of Things to Do, Feb ’16 Edition”

More Heads-inna-Jar!

Back in August (Wait, that can’t be right… Holy crap, yeah, August) I made a Futurama Head In A Jar template.  And then I started working on heads-inna-jar. I finished and posted two of them, and then worked on a bunch of others. Two of these I sent to author Seanan McGuire when I sentContinueContinue reading “More Heads-inna-Jar!”